Upcoming performances / Events 2

FRIDAY 3 MAY 2024 at 19.00

Wonderpuppet, Lisbon

An encounter of life Music, Dance and Voice meeting and creating in real time.

Patrícia Domingues: Voice
Manuel Guimarães: Piano
Ana Leonor Ladas: Dance
Álvaro Rosso: Contrabaixo
José Lencastre: Saxofone

Contribution: 5€

3 MAY 2024 at 19.00

Av.Afonso III N° 70A, 1900-038, Lisbon, Portugal



27 APRIL 2024

Palco Experimental

Line Up: 
* Andreia Alpuim
* Cecilia de Lima
* Beatriz Lourenço e Marco Aleixo
* Ana Leonor Ladas (Dance) & Fernando Lee (Music) - Instant
Composition Performance
* Rita Vilhena
27 ABRIL 2024




24 - 30 AUG 2024


Quinta Ten Chi, Sintra , Portugal

(detailed info coming soon)

For more info please go the the page 'Summer Workshop 2024'


Past Performances


Dance Voice & Music 

9 MARCH 2024

Patricia Domingues - Voice 
Ana Leonor Ladas - Dance
Manuel Guimarães - Piano
Nuno Rebelo - Guitarra
Helena Espevall - Violoncelo

Whastapp - +351 930457457

(cash at the entrance or by Mbay)

Cowork D'Arte&Cultura
Rua Estevão n. 45 B


Garden concert #2

Musique électro acoustique et danse improvisée 

30 juillet 2020

Entrée 5 Eur

Dodó Kis - flûtes à bec & EWI (Hongrie)
Cesar Latorre - Rhodes (Espagne)
Thorsten Toepp - guitare (Allemagne)
Mira Falk - Chanteuse (Allemagne)
Stijn van Beek - Cornemuses & EWI (Pays-Bas)
Ana Leonor Ladas - danseuse (Portugal)
Josephine Bode - flûtes à bec, voix et EWI (Allemagne / Pays-Bas)
DJ Sidobre (Pays-Bas)

Veuillez réserver à l'avance via: info@residencemidi.com ou 0749257733.

Le port du masque est obligatoire et nous vous demandons de garder une distance sociale.
Nous autorisons un maximum de 50 personnes dans le cadre de notre plan Covid.

Résidence Midi
12 Rue du Redondal, 81200 Mazamet, France
Entrée au concert par la rue du Tendal


Past Performances

16 JANVIER 2020


organisées par la compagnie Emmanuel Grivet et  mené en partenariat avec la ville de Tournefeuille

16 janvier 2020 à 19h30

à l'Escale 

Place de la Mairie, 31170 Tournefeuille, France


Dominique Rousseau, contrebasse
Jean-Paul Raffit, guitares
Ana Leonor Ladas, danse
Emmanuel Grivet, danse

Tarif unique 5 €




Past Performances

27 - 28 - 29 - 30 déc. 2019

Ateliers et Spectacles avec la Compagnie L'Âme-de-Fonds, Neuchâtel

Giacomo Calabrese, Simon Halbedo et Ana Leonor Ladas, accompagnés de musiciens et danseurs de la Compagnie l'Âme-de-Fonds qui prendront part à l'atelier.

Vendredi 27 décembre: Atelier de 14h00 à 17h00 - animée par Simon Halbedo
                                         Spectacle de 17h30 à 18h30 - Dansers : Giacomo, Ana, Simon, 
                                         Dolores, Dafni,

Samedi 28 décembre: Atelier de 14h00 à 17h00 animée par Giacomo Calabrese
                                      Spectacle de 17h30 à 18h30 - Dansers : Giacomo, Ana, Simon, 
                                      Dolores Musician : Mathieu Schneider

Dimanche 29 décembre: Atelier de 14h00 à 17h00 animée par Ana Leonor Ladas
                                          Spectacle de 17h30 à 18h30 - Dansers: Giacomo, Ana, Simon, 
                                          Dolores, Musician : Jacques Bouduban

Lundi 30 décembre: Atelier de 14h00 à 17h00 (à decider) 
                                   Spectacle de 17h30 à 18h30 - Dansers: Giacomo, Ana, Simon, 
                                   Dolores, Musician : Aurélia Ikor

30.- par bloc de 3 heures ou 100.- pour les quatre blocs.
Il est possible de participer des jours individuels.

Renseignements et inscriptions: 
Délai d'inscription: 26 décembre 2019.
Envoyer un email à Simon Halbedo: simonsprings@gmail.com

Studio "ESPACE-SUD", rue de Monruz 34, 2000 Neuchâtel
Accès: Bus n°101, arrêt "Falaises" puis 2 minutes à pied.


3 Nov 2019 
at OT 301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

Muziek en Dans voor kinderen en familie

15.15-15.45     0-2 jaar / 0-2 years old
16.15-17.00     2+ 

dans - Manuela Tessi, Maria Mavridou, Ana Ladas, Makiko Ito
Muziek - Marcos Baggiani (percussions), Ada Rave (reeds), Maya Felixbrodt (Viola)
Licht - Ellen Knops

No reservation needed (6 euro/3 euro   if you see both shows 10 euro/5 euro)



Carte blanche #11

21 MARS 2019 au theatre L'ESCALE, Tournefeuille, Toulouse

Soirée improvisée danse et musique organisé par la compagnie Emmanuel Grivet avec: 

Danse : Nawel Skandrani et Ana Leonor Ladas
Voix et chant : Leïla Martial 
Lumière : Sylvie Nova  
Violoniste :  Lucie Laricq 

Tout public - tarif unique 5 €
Billetterie en ligne sur : www.mairie-tournefeuille.fr


7 FEV 2019 at Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Germany

Performance Dance and Music Improvisation at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum in Krefeld within the context of the exhibition: TAILORED FOR FREEDOM, THE ARTISTIC DRESS AROUND 1900 IN FASHION, ART AND SOCIETY

The evening event is named: MOVE ON. FEMINISMUS & FASHION where there will be between 17.00 and 19.00 two performances of dance and music:

Dance: Ana Leonor Ladas
Music: Thorsten Töpp (music)


20 Jun 2018 at 20.30
at The Halen, Café Belcampo, the loft
(Hannie Dankbaar Passage 10) Amsterdam

'Caminho mas não sou caminhante' 
a solo dance performance inspired in the period of time in Portugal before the revolution of 25 de Abril 1974

Dance - Ana Leonor Ladas
Lights - Ellen Knops 
Entrance 10€

In this evening there will be other performances with Lily Kiara (solo dance), Wilbert de Joode (solo music double bass), Weijke and Julie (dance and music cello) and Robin (dance)


30 May 2018 at 20.30
at Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

Music Dance 301 Performance Series presents

'Caminho mas não sou caminhante'

A performance of dance music and light inspired by the Portuguese Revolution 25 de Abril de 1974

Dance - Ana Leonor Ladas
Music - Michael Moore (saxophone, clarinet)
Lights - Ellen Knops

Entrance 7€

The evening will be shared with a dance and music duet with Thalia Laric (dance) and Jonathan Nagel (bassist)



3 & 5 May 2018 - 'Les Imprévisibles' 
Cinema Utopia & La halle des Douvres á Bordeaux, France

DANCE - Sylvain Meret, Lea Cornetti, Wolf Govaerts, Ana Leonor Ladas

MUSIC - Julie Laderach, Chris Martineau, Amaelle Broussard, Julie Oosthoek, Bruno Laurent, Denise Laborde, Jean-Phillippe Broussard, Camille, Sylvain Meillan

3 Mai à 20h30 au Cinéma Utopia : performance et projection du film "Rencontre Imprévisible" de Alaa Ashkar / 4 euros sur place 

5 Mai à 12h00 à La Halle des DouvesSPOT Musiques d'Aujourd'hui, performance des Imprévisibles - Collectif Tutti sur l'invitation de Proxima Centauri / gratuit


Friday Nov 3 (20.00)

The Weather:  Autumnal Turns (& Vicissitudes)

Performed by Manuela Tessi, Ana Leonor Ladas and Izabela Pacewicz-Wysocka
This project for spontaneous movement ensemble considers the bodily response to atmospheric pressures of the autumn not to mention the possibility of a new social order.  The performers guide us through shifts implied by October both as a season and as an idea for change. 

During this evening there will 3 other performances: Mark Bain’s The Archisonic peforms Collective Action; The Architechtronic Assemblies perform The Objective Correlative SlotsThe October Collective performs Year OneParts XXII-XIII 

(for more info please check the website:http://www.rabotnik.dds.nl/thewarp/wordpress/day-iii/)

Tickets (sold by cash at door): €10 - Students €5 
Reservations: cloudstrata@gmail.com

Facebook: Cloud Foundation

The Warp: Audio Visual Spatial is presented by C. L. O. U. D. (Consequential Laboratory of Unspecified Dimensions). The Warp is produced by Lee Ellickson in collaboration with Menno Grootveld


14 & 15 MAY 
L'Âme-de-Fonds dance company & Barre Phillips in SWITZERLAND (Neuchatel & La Chaux-de-Fonds) 

Dimanche 14 mai 2017 à 17h00 à l’Interlope (restaurant de la Case-à-chocs), Rue de l’Evole 39A, 2000 Neuchâtel, Suisse, durée du spectacle 55 minutes, entrée libre avec chapeau.

Lundi 15 mai 2017 à 19h00 au Théâtre ABC, Rue du Coq 11, 2300, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse, durée du spectacle 55 minutes, entrée libre avec chapeau.

Danseurs: Giacomo Calabrese; Simon Halbedo; Ana Leonor Ladas; Anna Pietsch
Musiciens: Barre Phillips (contrebasse); Jacques Bouduban (violoncelle); Aurélia Ikor (harpe et voix); Chantal Langlotz (violoncelle); Mathieu Schneider (flûtes)



25 MAY  - L'Âme-de-Fonds dance company at OT301 in AMSTERDAM

MD301 Music Dance 301 
Dance and music performance at OT301 

Dancers - Giacomo Calabrese, Ana Leonor Ladas, Simon Halbedo
Musicians - Leo Svirsky, Chantal Langlotz (and guest)
Lights - Ellen Knops

at OT301- Overtoom 301, Amsterdam
Starts: 21:00
Entrance 7 €

(Sharing the evening performance with Charlie Morrissey and guests)

There will be a Workshop organised by Ana Leonor Ladas and L'Âme-deFonds to be held on the day of performance (more info on this will come soon)



19, 22 & 23 June 2017 (20.00)
Na Poříčí 26, 110 00 Praha 1

Directed  by Min Tanaka in collaboration with dancers and musicians

Archa Theater Production 
Tickets: full CZK 350


6 Feb 2017 (20.30)
Piet Heinkade 3, 1019 BR Amsterdam


'Como uma criança antes de a ensinarem a ser grande (...)'
                                                                                       Fernando Pessoa

  Curator Dance: Ana Leonor Ladas
  Dance: Anna Pietsch & Ana Leonor Ladas

  Curator Music: Marcos Baggiani
  Music: Ab Baars & Marcos Baggiani
  Lights: Ellen Knops

  Entrance: gratis


28, 29 & 30 Dec 2016 (18.30)
Studio du Théâtre du Passage, Neuchâtel, Suisse

L'AME-DE-FONDS DANCE COMPANY Improvisation & Instant Composition

Triptyque intitulé 'Lignes Prosaïques' inspiré de textes du philosophe Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

28 Dec (18.30) - N E R V U R E S
29 Dec (18.30) - E P U R E S
30 Dec (18.30) - E N T R E L A C S

Giacomo Calabrese, Rome
Simon Halbedo, Neuchâtel
Ana Leonor Ladas, Amsterdam
Anna Pietsch, Gaillac
Jacques Bouduban, violoncelle, Neuchâtel
Aurélia Ikor, Harpe et voix, Neuchâtel
Chantal Langlotz, violoncelle, Bâle
Mathieu Schneider, flûtes, La Chaux-de-Fonds
https://youtu.be/rkUvGtgUTsg (work from 2015)


Thur 1 Dec (19.00) 

Dance performance opening for the exposition EVE'S, ISAAC'S AND MIINE.

EVE'S, ISAAC'S AND MIINE is a group exhibition that presents new works by five Amsterdam-based artists: Hee-Seung Choi, Sarah Mei Herman, Sanja Medic, Barbara Rink and Kay Schuttel. The works take up metaphysical views on gravity as a fundamental aspect of the universal order, in our everyday experiences and our wider thinking. The exhibition explores the emotional, moral, physical and scientific consequences of the phenomena whereby things are pulled down.

18:00 doors open 
19:00 dance performance by Angelina Deck & Ana Leonor Ladas

at De Punt 
Frans de Wollantstraat 84, 
1018 SC Amsterdam

Free entrance



Wed 7 Dec (21.00) - MD301 Music Dance 301

Double bill dance & music performance:

Set 1 
TWNO - The White Noise Orchestra 

Music - Raoul van der Weide (Contrabass/crackle box/ sound objects), George Hadow (drums), Leo Svirsky (accordion), Laurens van der Wee (electronics), Wen Chin Fu (Cello), Lucio Tasca (guitar), Miriam den Boer Salmon (violin), Vilbjørg Broch (voice/electronics)

Dance - Miri Lee & Ana Leonor Ladas

Set 2
CONVOI EXCEPTIONAL- Weijke & partners

Dance - Ilse van Haastrecht, Tashi iwaoka, Eeijke koopmans, Ana Leonor Ladas, Sylvian meret, Maaike van de Westering

Music - Ben Brown (percussion and Ukelele)

at OT301 
Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam

doors open 20.45 
Starts at 21.00

Entrance 7€



5 Oct 2016

Dance and Music performance 

Dance - Lily Kiara & Ana  Leonor Ladas

Mucic - Ab Baars
Lights - Ellen Knops
Flyer & Video - Daniela Paes Leao

Special thanks to Manuela Tessi

Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam

Doors open 8:45 / Starts 21:00

Entrance 7 


7 Aug 2016
Chiesa Santa Chiara, Via Vittorio Emanuele - Castellaneta, Italia

Improvisation & Instant Composition

Ana Leonor Ladas
Francesca Arcuri
Simon Halbedo
Giacomo Calabrese

Chantal Langlotz

Daria Grispino




4 -12 Jun 2016
au Neuchâtel &  La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

L'AME-DE-FONDS DANCE COMPANY Improvisation & Instant Composition
au Temple Allemand, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

4   Jun 20h00  - 'Fragmentation' -  Conservatoire de Musique Neuchâtelois, Neuchâtel
5   Jun 16h00 - 'Fragmentation' Jardin Botanique de Neuchâtel dans le cadre de « Land                                                      Art Neuchâtel » organisé par l’association Maloka
8   Jun 19h00 - 'Le lit de la mémoire' - Temple Allemand La Chaux-de-Fonds
9   Jun 19h00 - 'Cette image n’existe plus...,' -  Temple Allemand La Chaux-de-Fonds
10 Jun 19h00 -  'Radius' - Temple Allemand, La Chaux-de-Fonds
11 Jun 20h00 - 'Diamonds'  - Temple Allemand La Chaux-de-Fonds


Thur 14 Apr 2016 at 21.00

at OT 301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

L'Ame-de-fonds Dance Company presents

dance & music performance


Giacomo Calabrese 
Ana Leonor Ladas

Leo Svirsky
Ab Baars

Light designer
Ellen Knobs

Entrance  €7,-



Fri 15 Jan 2016 at 20.30
at Bimhuis,  Piet Heinkade 3, 1019 BR Amsterdam

Dans and Music improvisation 

Curators for the evening with different improvisational background: 
Ana Leonor Ladas/movement, Raphael Vanoli/electronics & Raoul van der Weide/acoustic improvisation. 

Maaike van de Westeringh/movement
Faizle Shairmahomed/movement
Ana Leonor Ladas/movement

James Hewitt/violin
Semay Wu/cello
Robbert van Hulzen/drums+percussion

Tjeerd Schils (electronics) 

Raphael Vanoli/gutar+electronics
Robert van heumen/laptop processing
LD Garnier/Olfacto-sonic objects
Joost Buis/trombone+lapsteel

Stefan Keune/ss, as & ts
Oguz Buyukberber/Bclarinet
Eric Boeren/trumpet+cornet
Michiel Scheen/piano
Kaja Draksler/piano
Yung-tuan Ku/percussion

Helen knops/instant light design

20:00 doors
20:30 start 1st set
Tickets 18 + 15 (students/CJP) + free entrance BIMcardholders


13 Dec 2015 
at OT 301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

Wonderland  2015-2016
Muziek en Dans voor kinderen en familie


15:15 - 15:45   0-2 jaar / 0-2 years old
16:15 - 17:00   2+

Dans - Valentina Campora, sylvain Meret, Ana Ladas, Danne Fokkens, Makiko Ito
Musiek - Yedo Gibson, Alfredo Genovesi, Kristján Martinsson
Licht - Manuela Tessi

No reservation needed (6 euro / 3 euro)



1 Nov 2015 at 20.00

at Oostblok, 2e van Swindenstraat 26, Amsterdam


Memento Mori reflects on the fragile existence of human beings and the many emotional and physical struggles immigrants crossing the Mediterranean sea face. Life as a small boat navigating in the big sea of uncertainty. Death as an unavoidable transition to the unknown. Life & death, courage and fear, strong & vulnerable. Is there any borders?

Concept & Dance - Ana Leonor Ladas
Music - Michael Moore (Sax & Clarinete)
Video – Daniela Paes Leão
Light - Ellen Knobs

A 'States of Presence' Production
© Photo Daniela Paes Leão


at Oostblok (formerly Muiderpoorttheater)
2e van Swindenstraat 26, Amsterdam

Tickets: online - € 7, 50 | at the door - € 9,50
Open: 19.00 | Start: 20.00


5 OCT 2015 at 20.00

Dance & Music Improvisation

Curators: Virág Dezsö & Marnix van de Poll

Dancers: Ana Leonor Ladas, Kristien Sonnevijlle, Virág Dezsö
Musicians: Nora Mulder (piano), Pikong Wu (sax), Marnix van de Poll (piano)
Lights: Petyr Veenstra



7-11 Jul 2015 

L'AME-DE-FONDS DANCE COMPANY - Improvisation & Instant Composition
au Temple Allemand, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland





WONDERLAND - Sat 27 June at 15:30
Interactive dance and music performance for children and parents!

at Maarten Lutherkerk Amsterdam Zuid
Dintelstraat 134, 1079 BD Amsterdam

Dance - Manuela Tessi, Raoul Germano,Ana Leonor Ladas, Makiko Ito
Music - Felicity Provan( trumpet), Nina Hitz( Cello), George



23 Feb 2015 at 20.00

A ‘blinddate+instant composing’ lineups curated by Ana Leonor Ladas (dance), Wen Chin Fu (electronics) and George Hadow (acoustic improv)

Set 1 
Alan Purves/ Percussion+ toys, Martin van Leusden/Percussion+toys, Ana Leonor Ladas/dance
Set 2 
Dodo Kis/recorder. Matteo Marangoni/sondol, Ludmila Rodrigues/propulsions,Wen Chin Fu/cello
Set 3 
Laura Lotti/harp, Laura Polence/voice, Marta Warelis/piano, Kaspars Vizulis/guitar, Franziska Lisa Wolf/dance, George Hadow/drums

1st floor Tolhuisweg 2 

Admission 6 
19:00 doors open 20:00 start 1st set (sharp) 22:30 end of event


9 Jan 2015 at 20.00

Dance & Music Improvisation at MLK Church, Dintelstraat 134 

1st set Pure Impro Ensemble HKU
Alexandrus Mastichiadis - piano
Cloe van der Lek - piano
Camille Faber - vocals
Leandro Bosso - guitar
Gerlando "Jerry" Acevrso - elec. bass
Christian Palmieri - drums
Kees van der Heijdt - flute

2nd set Mark Alban Lotz Solo 
piccolo, c-, alto-, bas-, pvc-contrabas-, prepared
flutes, voice, flötophon

3rd set The Big Dinner 
Ana Leonor Ladas - dance
Kenzo Kusuda - dance
Ada Rave - saxes
Nicolas Chientaroli - piano


La Compagnie l'Âme-de-Fonds 

présente trois performances les 28, 29 et 30 décembre 2014
20h00, Salle de répétition du Théâtre du Passage, Neuchâtel, Suisse

1. Passage à vue
2. Passage à vide 
3. Passage à l'acte

Artistes Ana Leonor Ladas, danseAmsterdam Giacomo Calabrese, danseRome Simon Halbedo, danseNeuchâtel Chantal Langlotz, violoncelleBâle Jacques Bouduban, violoncelleNeuchâtel

Durée : 40 minutes, chaque soir
Entrée libre, chapeau


10 Dec 2014
at OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam


Crack of Dawn

This evening houses two performances by dancers and musicians, brought together by Ana Leonor Ladas and Lily Kiara.

(Instant) Choreographers Ana Leonor Ladas and Lily Kiara have met each other in the dance scene in Amsterdam. They discovered common interests in their dance training as well as in their dance making. Both have dedicated their attention intensively to working with stillness and fierceness in their own performances. Out of this realization came the desire to create work together. This evening is the beginning of that creating.

For the first pierce they collaborate with musician Ab Baars. The attention is on stillness. For the second piece, the group has been put together with emphasis on fierceness, and individual voices making up the whole.

Crack of Dawn
1. Ana Leonor Ladas (dance), Lily Kiara (dance), Ab Baars (clarinet, shakuhachi)

2. Ab Baars (clarinet, saxophone, shakuhachi), Han Buhrs (vocals, text), Leo Svirsky (piano), Noha Ramadan (dance), Ana Leonor Ladas (dance), Lily Kiara (dance), Michael Schumacher (tbc) (dance)

Lady of the Lights: Ellen Knops
Video and design: Daniela Paes Leão
Special thanks to Merel Willemsen

Wed 10 December - OT301 - Overtoom 301 – Amsterdam - doors 21:00 - start 21:30 – entrance €7,

4 & 5 Oct 2014 (premiere on 4 Oct)
at Nederlandse Dansdagen Maastricht

choreography by Giulio D'Anna

R-ESISTERE is a dance-concert on the theme of resistance. It originates from the desire of embodying a sense of revolution and it portrays protest as an essential part of being human, challenging the social beliefs around it. The performers embody a manifesting crowd with the energy of a rock concert audience. We all fight for or against something; can we make our fight exciting and worth the effort?
R-ESISTERE is not about revolution. It is the manifestation of the trust that things will go better: love will appear, sooner or later, we just need to endure a bit longer and keep our voices loud.

Concept and direction - Giulio D’Anna 
Dancers Lana Čoporda, Miryam Mariblanca, Ana Ladas, Fabian Holle, John Taylor 
Music composition Maarten Bokslag and Tom Nestelaar 
Set design Jasper Van Roden 
Direction assistant and production Agnese Rosati 
Intern Jouke Istar Rouwenhorst (dance), Vanessa Sgarra (costume), Laura Wallrafen (lights) 
Artistic advisor Kristin de Groot 

Produced and supported by Dansateliers, Nederlandse Dansdagen, Amster- dams Fonds voor de Kunst, C/O, SNS Reaal, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds / Fonds Danceworks Rotterdam, Versiliadanza, Fabbrica Europa, AMAT and Giulio D’Anna/Stichting Gillen.


15 Jun 2014
via Natale del Grande, 27 Rome, Italy

L'ÂME-DE-FONDS  Dance Company - - Instant Composition
'Si sta come d'autunno sugli alberi le foglie' 

L'Âme-de-Fonds Dance Company
Artistic direction: Giacomo Calabrese
Production Giacomo Calabrese & Le Chambart

Ana Ladas (Portugal/Holland)
Giacomo Calabrese (Italy)
Simon Halbedo (Switzerland)

Music (cello) 
Chantal Langlotz  (Switzerland)


28 Apr - 4 May 2014
La Chaux-de-Fonds & Neuchatel, Switzerland

RESIDENCE et SPECTACLES programmes dans le cadre de LA FETE DE LA DANSE 2014

© Patrick Beelaert

Samedi 3 mai, 20:00-20:45, THEATRE ABC, 11 rue du Coq, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Pièce en Composition Instantanée par la compagnie L’Âme-de-Fonds
La compagnie L’Âme-de-Fonds, en résidence au Centre de Culture ABC, vous propose de découvrir la composition instantanée en danse et musique. « Interstice » est une pièce qui se nourrit de ce qui réside entre les gestes, entre les sons ; une pièce qui se faufile comme une fissure le long d’une veine de la roche ; une pièce qui plonge dans l’instant jusqu’à nous révéler, peut-être, certains espaces phréatiques de l’être. Produit par Le Chambart.
Chorégraphie : Collaboration artistique Simon Halbedo & Giacomo Calabrese
Entrée libre, chapeau à la sortie

Dimanche 4 mai, 19:00-19:45,  THEATRE ABC, 11 rue du Coq, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Pièce en Composition Instantanée par la compagnie L’Âme-de-Fonds
La compagnie L’Âme-de-Fonds, en résidence au centre de culture ABC, vous propose de découvrir la composition instantanée en danse et musique. Les danseurs-corpuscules sont de petites parcelles de matière perceptibles au travers des lignes qui les relient. Ensemble, ils tissent un treillis qui tamise l’espace et y récolte les sons, les images, les mots ambiants, leur donnant substance. La pièce s’écrit sous vos yeux et c’est votre regard qui lui donne sens. Produit par Le Chambart.
Chorégraphie : Collaboration artistique Simon Halbedo & Giacomo Calabrese
Entrée libre, chapeau à la sortie

Samedi 3 mai, 12:00-12:20, GALERIE YD, Rue Fleury 6, 2000 Neuchâtel
Entrée libre

Dimanche 4 mai, 12:00-12:20, GALERIE YD, Rue Fleury 6, 2000 Neuchâtel
Entrée libre

...8 Feb 2014 at 20.00 till 24.00
at KunstKapel, Prinses Irenestraat 21, Amsterdam


A Unique Event of Collaborative Performances, Installations and Interventionsin response to the immediate time and space. Various installations and interventions by these and other contributing artists will investigate the location. The event is organized by Lee Ellickson and Jaap Pieters on behalf of The Cumulus.

Performances by
BMB con. & The Weather
Dmitry Gelfand & Evelina Domnitch
Hilary Jeffery & Jaap Pieters
The Moonlighter's Vanishing Point
(Alfredo Genovesi & Lee Ellickson)
The Genetic Choir & Joris de Jong
Vladimir Grafov & Ksenia Pankratova
Ariuna Nina & Ana Ladas
Marnix Carpentier Alting & Joost Visser

Entree 5 €
Reservations can be made at thecumulus@thecumulus.org


7 Oct 2013 at 20.00

at Venue POORTGEBOUW 1st floor
Tolhuisweg 2 Amsterdam

casting and presenting unprecedented improvisation line-ups

Ada Rave/tenor and soprano sax
Rory Brown/contrabass
Andreas Wildhagen/drums
Ana Ladas/dance

admission 6

1Sep 2013 at 17.00
at Grammatikoff, Dellplatz 16a Duisburg, Germany

POOL: The Strings, The Breath, The Bodies
Dance improvisation at Festival Platzhirsch - Duisburg

Als “Pool” überschreibt der Komponist und Gitarrist Thorsten Töpp sein neuestes Projekt: ein Pool von KünstlerInnen, die Töpp im Laufe der vergangenen Jahre besonders wichtig geworden sind, werden in Beziehung gebracht. Gesucht wird das Überraschende, das Risiko, das Unkalkulierbare. Das Amsterdamer Duo Kim-José Bode und Ana Ladas, das allein schon höchst spannend Tanz und Musik verbindet, trifft auf den Weltklassebratschisten Vincent Royer, auf Größen der Improvisierten Musik wie Eckard Koltermann und Stefan Werni und auf ungewöhnliche Visuals… Ein wahrhaft grenzüberschreitendes Erlebnis, radikal unplugged und auf der Tanzfläche des Grammatikoff inszeniert – zum Greifen nahe.

Kim-José Bode – Blockflöten
Eckard Koltermann – Klarinetten, Saxophone
Vincent Royer – Viola
Thorsten Töpp – Konzertgitarre
Stefan Werni – Kontrabass
Oliver Birk – Vibraphon, Percussion
Ana Ladas – Tanzimprovisation


21 JUN 2013 at 20.00
at KulterBos en Lommerweg 357, Amsterdam

Collective instant composing on silence & low dynamic areas

Friday 21, June 18:00: L'APERO #15 - 20:00 The White Noise Orchestra, Music Dance Graphic Playground
TWNO is an ongoing experimental project initiated by contrabassist and crackle box player Raoul van der Weide.
3 to 13 musicians are composing collectively and instantly between silence and low dynamics.
For this particular installment in the echo room of the basement at Kulter, 7 musicians are joining:

Ana Ladas/dance, Leo Svirsky/accordeon, Harald Austbo/cello, Jose Gomes/recorder, melodica, bassoon
Tobias Klein/contrabass clarinet, George Hadow/percussion, drums, Raoul van der Weide/contrabass, crackle box, objects

30 MAY 2013 at 20.30
at Studio Loos - Constant Rebequeplein 20, Den Haag

Collective instant composing on silence & low dynamic areas

The White Noise Orchestra/TWNO is initiated in 2010 by contra bassist and crackle boxist Raoul van der Weide as an ongoing experimental project.TWNO functions as a 'pool' of improvisers dedicated to the concept/point of departure and representing creative performers from different backgrounds: acoustic music, dance, light design and live-electronics. TWNO explores and develops systematically the possibilities of collective improvisations in the context of low sonic dynamics  and sparse but unpredictable configurations of sound, noise, and pitch structures. dive into the realm of the near-silent sonic universe. TWNO's specific approach represents a fascinating artistic challenge and outspoken contribution to improvised music as a vital tradition. TWNO performs in shifting formats between trio and full 16 piece ensemble.  

Performers at Wonderwerp May Edition
Ángel Faraldo (Life electronics)
Raoul van der weide (projectleader /contrabass & crackle box)
Leo Svirsky (Piano/acordeon)
Harald Austbo (Cello)
Onno govaert (Drums/percussion)
Tobias Klein (Bass clarinete)
Sarah Jeffery (Recorders)
Lovorka Holjevac (Voice)
Klára Andrlová (Percussion)
José Gomes (BAsson/Melodica/Recorders)
Ana Ladas (Dance)
George Hadow (Drums/percussion)
Jasper Stadhouders (Guitar)
Nicolau Lafeta (trumpet)

Entrance 3 €


15 APR 2013 at 20.30
at Roode Bioscoop, Haarlemmerplein 7, Amsterdam

Collective instant composing on silence & low dynamic areas

Blauwe Maandag
Entrance 8 €


5 & 6 Apri 2013 at 18.00 & 10.00 am
at Rue du Progrés 48, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse 


The non-profit association “Le Chambart” invites performing artists from across Europe for an intensive 4 days residence during which they will work with local artists and create a series of 8 performances that will be presented over two days of festival. The performances will be centered on instant-composition as a performance art form

Vendredi 5 avril : 18h00 - 22h00
Samedi 6 avril : 10h00 - 16h00
31Mar - 4 Apr 2013
Entrée libre
29 Mar 2013 at 20.00
at Overtoom 301, Amsterdam

ART FEED ON - Art / Music / Food
Benefit Party to finance the renovation of the space and purchase of new equipment so artistic events can continue to happen at OT301.

'SOLO or maybe not'
Dance & Music Improvisation with

Ana Ladas - Dance
Oscar Jan Hoogland - Piano
Kim José Bode - Recorders

To see the whole program please go to,

28 Feb 2013 at 19.00
at Plantage Doklaan 8-12, Amsterdam

Dance Improvisation with Kim José Bode

THE GENETIC CHOIR: impro and instant composition choir
KIM-JOSÉ BODE & ANA LADAS: dance/music improvisation 
THE WEST SIDE TRIO: classical Jazz Weirdness Brilliance
Vera van der Bie- violin/ Isabella Petersen - viola/ Annie Tangberg - Cello
DODÓ KIS TRIO: fusion rock
Dodó Kis - EWI, Bernhard Höllinger - bass, Aron Nyuri - drums
AXONAUT: trespassing contemporary Jazz
Cesar Latorre - piano/Rafael Morales Aguin - bass/ Marcos Baggiani-drums
DJ JUHA: Half Finnish, half DJ. Interested in ubiquitous culture and urban rhythms. Likes Richie Jackson sliding down escalators.
MANUEL DAHM: aquatic media installation

Aquarium 31 Space Odyssey is organized and curated by the trio Axolot (Kim Jose Bode, Sarah Jeffery and Dodó Kis) - 
www.trioaxolot.com / www.kimjosebode.com

The Dokhuis is offering a very tasty vegan dish for a low price and there will be classic and (a special aXolot) cocktails!


12 Jan 2013 at 15.00
at Stedelijk Museum, Hoogstraat 112, Schiedam

Choreography by Liat Magnezy

Silent Spin is composed for the 400 years jubilee of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and Turkey. It is a migrating performance about a metaphorical meeting between cultures, bringing Turkish transitional music and dance forms in a contemporary Dutch context and questioning what this context might be?

Concept en choreografie: Liat Magnezy
Performers: Katarzyna Sitarz, Evelyne Rossie, Ana Ladas, Ulas Aksunger en Murat Gunduz

Film: Joost van Veen
Dramaturgie: Hans Timmerman
Kostuums: Myrthel Jackson
Productie: Stg. DanceMotionPicture

The entrance is free of charge!

26th Nov 2012 at 20.00
at venue Poortgebouw, 1st floor, Tolhuisweg 2, 1031 CL, Amsterdam-Nord

Curators- Ivo Bol, Tobias Klein and Ana Ladas

Ties Mellema/saxophone, fx
Miri Lee/dance
Clara Burdet/dance

Mikael Szafirowsky/el guitar
Alan Purves/drums, percussion
Tobias Klein/(contra)bass clarinet

Klara Andrlova/drums, percussion
Sarah Jeffrey/recorder, voice
Michael Moore/(contra)bass clarinet, clarinet, alto saxophone
Ana Ladas/dance

19:30 :doors open
20:00 start 1st set
23:00 end of evening
Entrance: 6

